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Wadah freezer cepat spiral ganda Outagon

Wadah freezer cepat spiral ganda Outagon
Apr 19 , 2023

CBFI has designed, built and provided two large-scale projects for Southeast Asian customers in China. The first phase project includes quick-freezing warehouses, static pickling rooms, chillers and other supporting equipment. The second phase project includes a double-spiral quick-freezing warehouse, a 600㎡ Cold storage, a quick freezer.

Customer background introduction

The client is the largest pangasius production enterprise in the world, and an advocate and pioneer of the whole industry chain of pangasius. Its breeding area has reached 6.2 million hectares, its fish fillet production capacity is 1,000 tons, and it has 32 storage centers around the world.

The client has established a production base in southern China, which mainly processes, produces and sells pangasius, including raw materials, deep-processed products and by-products, and supplies other products such as Qingjiang fish, snakehead, and sea bass. The entire production and processing have strict process standards and quality requirements, and it is an enterprise that combines quality and strength.

Enterprise goals and demands

The customer's processing plan is 45 tons per day, but the requirements for the two phases of the project are different. The first phase of the project needs to be completed and put into operation in a short period of time. The second phase of the project has a large amount of quick-freezing. It is necessary to reduce the power consumption of quick-freezing per ton of goods by 40% while ensuring the daily use needs. Clearly put forward for the energy saving of equipment Require.

pain point 1

The first phase of the project is required to be completed and put into operation in a short period of time.

CBFI Solutions

CBFI adopts direct expansion system.

Direct expansion system: The high-pressure refrigerant liquid passes through the thermal expansion valve, and after throttling, it turns into low-temperature and low-pressure wet steam and directly enters the evaporator, and returns to the compressor after absorbing heat and vaporizing.

Advantages of direct expansion system:

The whole system is simple and easy to install. This system is a one-to-one system, that is, one refrigeration unit corresponds to one evaporator end, the oil return is good, it will not affect each other, and the degree of automation is high

pain point 2

The second-phase project has a large amount of quick-freezing, and it is necessary to reduce the power consumption of quick-freezing per ton of goods by 40% while ensuring daily use needs.

CBFI Solutions

It adopts a flooded barrel pump system, which is suitable for large-scale integrated refrigeration systems.

The barrel pump liquid supply is a refrigeration system that uses the mechanical action of the pump to deliver low-temperature refrigerant liquid to the evaporator. The throttled low-temperature refrigerant liquid first enters a fluorine barrel with a certain liquid storage volume and a certain gas-liquid separation volume, and then transports the low-temperature liquid several times the evaporation capacity to the evaporators in each warehouse. Part of the liquid absorbs heat and vaporizes in the evaporator, and the rest of the liquid returns with the gas through the return pipe. After the gas-liquid separation, the vapor is sucked away by the refrigeration compressor, and the separated liquid and the new supplementary liquid equivalent to the evaporation amount are transported to the evaporator for recycling.

Advantages of CBFI flooded barrel pump system

1. The compressors are designed in parallel, and the number of compressors to be turned on is automatically selected according to the number of cold storages opened and the cooling capacity required by the cold storage. At the same time, through valve design control, the compressors are used as backups for each other, increasing the reliability of the system operation.

2. The evaporator of the flooded system has a high evaporation heat transfer efficiency. For the evaporator with the same evaporation area, the cooling effect of the bucket pump liquid supply is 25%~30% higher than that of the direct expansion liquid supply;

3. The flooded system uses a fluorine pump to supply liquid, which can overcome the loss of part of the resistance in the system and realize long-distance liquid supply.

4. Adopt integrated and innovative oil separation, cooling and oil return technology to ensure that the cooling capacity of the equipment will not decline after long-term use, and ensure that the oil will not go to the low-pressure system.

Pain point 3

The customer's second-phase project has a large amount of quick-freezing, which requires a reduction in operating costs.

CBFI Solutions

The flooded barrel pump system used can save customers 450,000 yuan in electricity bills every year while meeting the daily production of 45 tons of quick-frozen goods.

The heat is mainly taken away by the vaporization and absorption of the refrigerant liquid in the evaporator. Therefore, under the condition of ensuring safety, the more refrigerant inside the evaporator, the utilization rate of the evaporator of the flooded refrigeration system is higher than that of the direct expansion refrigeration system. The higher the refrigeration system, the better the cooling effect; usually, when the direct expansion system is shut down, in order to avoid the risk of liquid shock caused by the next startup, it will be evacuated, and there is only a small amount of refrigerant liquid in the evaporator, and the There is still a lot of refrigerant liquid in the evaporator of the flooded system, which can also evaporate and absorb heat when the system is shut down, so as to maintain the storage temperature and avoid the rapid temperature rise of the storage room. Some, more energy-saving.

Therefore, CBFI recommends that customers lower the storage temperature as much as possible at night under the premise of the peak-valley flat electricity price policy, prolong the temperature rise time in the storage when the electricity price is high during the day, and reduce the start-up time during the high electricity price period during the day, especially for the pipeline storage and the terminal row. There is more refrigerant liquid stored in the tube, which has better cold storage function.

CBFI has also set up a heat recovery system for customers, which can recover the heat that originally needs to be discharged to produce domestic hot water or hot water for heating the ground to prevent freezing.

Pain point 4

Pelanggan mengatakan bahwa peralatan pendingin udara di basis produksi mereka di Amerika Serikat memiliki masalah pembekuan yang sering terjadi, yang tidak hanya menghabiskan energi tetapi juga menyebabkan kapasitas pendinginan yang tidak mencukupi di penyimpanan dingin.

ion Solusi CBFI

Bingquan mengadopsi pencairan gas panas, suplai panas buang bertekanan tinggi, sumber panas berkualitas tinggi, efisiensi pencairan tinggi, pencairan bersih, sedikit dampak pada fluktuasi suhu penyimpanan, dan tidak ada konsumsi energi tambahan; sistem banjir kami akan didasarkan pada suhu sistem Zona yang berbeda, selip pompa barel suhu sedang, tinggi dan rendah dipasang, dan selip pompa barel untuk lorong dan suhu tinggi digunakan tidak hanya sebagai sumber pendinginan, tetapi juga sebagai a barel drainase cair untuk pencairan sistem suhu rendah, sehingga sistem dapat stabil bahkan dalam keadaan pencairan berjalan.

Titik nyeri 5

Produk pelanggan harus diproduksi di lingkungan pembekuan berkecepatan sangat rendah, dan peralatan harus bersih dan higienis untuk memenuhi persyaratan produksi keamanan pangan, dan lokasi produksi terbatas.

Solusi CBFI

Sebuah quick-freezer sekrup ganda digunakan. Suhu internal mesin quick-freezing double-screw dijaga stabil pada -35°C, dan efek quick-freezing sangat baik, yang cocok untuk berbagai produk ikan pelanggan. Ini menempati area kecil, mengadopsi struktur spiral multi-lapisan, dan memiliki kapasitas pembekuan yang besar. Desain strukturalnya cocok untuk produksi jalur perakitan, dan impor dan ekspor berada pada ketinggian yang sama, yang lebih mudah digabungkan dengan peralatan pendukung lainnya. Ujung heliks ganda terbuat dari baja tahan karat kelas makanan lengkap, yang memenuhi persyaratan higienis, mudah dibersihkan, tahan korosi, dan memiliki masa pakai yang lama.

Umpan balik efek perusahaan

Pelanggan pertama kali membeli peralatan tahap pertama dari perusahaan kami. Karena staf penjualan kami profesional dan dapat diandalkan, dan setelah mengunjungi pabrik secara langsung, pelanggan juga mengetahui skala dan kekuatan perusahaan kami, sehingga tahap kedua terus memilih untuk bekerja sama dengan Bingquan. Pada fase kedua dari proyek ini, kami telah memenuhi harapan tinggi pelanggan kami. Dari komunikasi permintaan awal, perencanaan program jangka menengah, dan layanan pemasangan selanjutnya, semua persentase telah mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan pelanggan. Pelanggan sangat puas dengan layanan kami, perencanaan desain dan produk, dan mengatakan bahwa peralatan pada tahap pertama dan kedua berjalan dengan stabil.

Percayakan pada CBFI

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